LionHeart Challenge offers Schools a progressive enterprise delivery mechanism
The LionHeart Challenge is a Nationwide Enterprise Programme, acclaimed by Sir Howard Davies MBE (former Director of The London School of Economics & Political Science) and was chosen as a National Flagship by theNational Learning & Skills Council for Enterprise. During the last few years the Programme has been delivered to over 609,000 Pupils up and down the 9 regions of the country.
It involves a School's Students partaking in a high energy and high impact Business Challenge which is ran in a period of one working day within a School setting, and is delivered by our in-house trained, highly skilled and dedicated Business Coaches.
On completion of the above, the Team then put together, practice and rehearse their Team Final Presentationthat they shall give to their room of Peers, Teachers, Business Professionals and Judges to try and ensure that their Business Idea will lead them to success!
LionHeart ECP Ltd
80 Shawhill Road
G41 3RW
Mobile: 07801 657 348
The Lionheart Continuum Programmes
AGE 12-14
The mini challenge - primary school
The Mini LionHeart Challenge is designed for Key Stage 2 pupils, and it is delivered by our Professional Business Coaches in a creative and meaningful format, as a Secondary School recruits and reaches out to its own local Feeder Primary Schools to embrace them in sharing their philosophy and experience of Enterprise Education.
AGE 18-20
The macro lionheart challenge
The Macro LionHeart Challenge is an inclusive Programme for Post 16 Students i.e. Students undertake an extensive range of Analytical Business Tools and Techniques which nurture a whole host of 'Enterprise' and 'Life' skills required for the world of work at an age when consideration and preparation for Work and Further Study are of the upmost importance.
AGE 14-16
THe micro challenge - secondary school (age 14-16)
The Micro LionHeart Challenge is designed for Key Stage 3 pupils, who are guided by our Professional Business Coaches, through a hands-on, highly interactive and creative Business Challenge which has been designed to allow for learning continuation from the Mini LionHeart Challenge or act as a springboard to Enterprise Education prior to Key Stage 4.
AGE 18+
the collegiate lionheart challenge
The Programme is undertaken in a working day period within the College itself. It is delivered by our professional, in-house trained, highly skilled and dedicated Business Coaches in a creative and meaningful format, to provide an Enterprise and Work Related Learning Experience to bridge the gap for Students between College life and entering employment or in starting up their own business in the future.
AGE 16-18
The core lionheart challenge (16-18)
The LionHeart Challenge Continuum Programme has been successfully delivered to Schools across the 9 Regions of England, with over 100,000 School Pupils taking part. It takes the form of a live Entrepreneurial Experience involving School Teams of Pupils aged 14-15 years, who undertake a unique, demanding and high impact Business Challenge.
AGE 18+
the undergraduate lionheart challenge
The Alumni LionHeart Challenge specifically designed for Undergraduate Students!