‘Progressive Enterprise’ Custome designed for post I6 students
The Macro LionHeart Challenge is an inclusive Programme for Post 16 Students i.e. Students undertake an extensive range of Analytical Business Tools and Techniques which nurture a whole host of ‘Enterprise’ and ‘Life’ skills required for the world of work at an age when consideration and preparation for Work and Further Study are of the upmost importance.
The Macro LionHeart Challenge builds and enhances upon ‘Enterprise’ and ‘Life’ skills at this critical stage in the school life cycle such as Team-Building, Problem-Solving, Deadline Management, Communication Skills, Conflict Management, Creative, Numerical, ICT and Presentation Skills – all of which will be essential for entry to the world of work.
Students use the knowledge gained from various available research and information sources (including Specialist Business Tutorials and ICT Resources) along with the experience, drive and encouragement of our LionHeart Business Coaches to complete The Challenge. This allows the students, in the space of 1Day, to deliver the following:
A ‘Business Masterplan Proposal’ Comprising of:
• A Commercial Exposé of a Product Concept
• A Complete and Detailed Marketing Strategy, as well as a creative and informative Marketing Advert designed utilizing ICT
• A Complete and Detailed Financial Strategy
• A Virtual ICT Prototype (using leading edge Cinema 4D Design Software)
• Full Background Research, including information from Market Intelligence Reports obtained via On-Line Marketing Databases (featuring KEYNOTE Ltd)
• Individual Pupil and Team ‘Skills Analysis’- allowing for Task Specialisation
From completion of the team’s MasterPlans and Prototype Design, preparation begins for the Final Team Powerpoint Presentations which take place in front of their peers and The Macro LionHeart Judging Panel.
Macro LionHeart Evaluation Reports
Click on the report to read more about the amazing feedback we get!